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The institutions established

The society „Vilniaus Viltis“ has established the following institutions:

The Life Home „Pašilaičiai“ - (Laisves ave. 117 – 1,2, tel. 230 33 87) is a social institution, not having legal personality, providing long-term social care services for adult persons with severe and moderate intellectual disability.

The Life Home “Pašilaičiai” constantly accommodates 9-10 people with intellectual disability. The Life Home “Pašilaičiai” has been functioning since 1997 and it was the first institution of this kind. The Home constantly accommodates disabled persons who need ongoing care or nursing day and night, thus the Home employs five social workers, a chaperon, a driver and an accompanying person. Every day residents of the Home go to the day employment centre, corresponding to their needs. The Home receives financing from: Vilnius city municipality; the government grants; charitable donations and sponsorship, 2 percent of personal income tax; residents’ contributions.

The family support service (Vytenis str. 37, tel. 233 47 05) provides general social day-care services for children and adults with intellectual disability and their family members.

The main focus is paid upon developing social skills of young people to ensure their independence a much as possible. Visitors receive working skills training in such spheres as room cleaning, sewing, needlework, art articles, etc., they also have a possibility to develop their artistic skills. Visitors bring here their food that is warmed up. The minibus of the society „Vilniaus Viltis” takes visitors from their home in the morning and bring to the service and after training hours bring them back home.

The society „Vilniaus Viltis“ receives financing from: Department for the Affairs of the Disabled; Vilnius city municipality; contributions by recipients of the service; charitable donations and sponsorship, 2 percent of personal income tax.

Public entity Markučiai day activity centre - (Subačius str. 115, tel. 260 08 25) is a social care institution providing day-care social services for persons with intellectual disability from the age of 16. The Markučiai day activity centre provides the following services: information, consulting, socialization, feeding organization, help when dressing, eating, washing, and other kinds of assistance, developing and maintenance of daily life skills, organization of transport, by taking for home in the morning and bringing to the centre and bringing home in the evening, other services, necessary for a person in accordance with his or her level of independence. Employment of the centre’s visitors is organised through creative-working studies as follows: art, theatre, music, needlework, weaving, etc. Activities of persons with severe disability and special needs is organized in six special groups where their independence is stimulated, fine motor skills are developed. Their employment is also organized in kinetotherapy, ergotherapy groups where specialists work with visitors individually. Financing is received from: Vilnius city municipality; the government grants; charitable donations and sponsorship, 2 percent of personal income tax.

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